
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Of friendship

What would I not do for a true friend? Don't ask. I do free service for strangers anyway, so a friend is much, much more special and close to me. In ancient words, I would say, if I had a morsel of food and I was hungry like crazy and then my friend comes along and tells me that she/he wants food, I would give that morsel to her/him.  In our culture, in the past, whoever lent a helping hand - in times of extreme need or even in ordinary times - to a family in need or helped a member of a family in any way, that family would pronounce them as kith and kin and it would be considered a sacrilege to intermarry between these clans.

Friendship makes life bearable, especially if your near and dear ones don't understand you. At least you have an anchor to hold your ship from being carried astray by the waves in the ocean of life. My friends are my critics and reality reminders. They are my crutches when my legs are weak. I would do the same for them.

to be continued... 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Age of Innocence

Dont we all want our childhoods back? Except maybe for those who had a forgettable childhood or a childhood that brings back bitter memories. For me, it was a time abundant with love, joy, laughter, friendship, food and snacks, playtime, bed-time stories and spanking.

Now that I'm living a life that is busy with work, meeting with different types of people, compromising on many matters, albeit disapproving of many things, I miss that carefree life I had as a child. I am no longer innocent - honest and truthful, yes, but not innocent. But life has its own cycle and rhythm. We are but living things and like all things living, we are controlled by nature and its creator. And while accepting this fact, I also cannot suppress my longing for my childhood. It is nothing like regret but simply a feeling in the heart - a heart that longs to love and be loved, to understand and be understood.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Its Damn Cold

Its been a very cold winter here in Jowai town of Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya. The year has just started and brought in the coldest month so far. The coldest temperatures recorded here so far has been around 8 degrees Celsius. Right now, my ass feels a near zero degree while my fingers are getting stiff with this cold. If this is the sign at the beginning of the second decade of this millenium, i'm afraid, the future is going to be much more worse. We already have to deal with Global warming in summer and now we got to deal with this Global cooling in winter. Shit! Will things get any better? I hope so.