
Monday, December 30, 2013

Noble Warrior - A tribute to Woh Kiang Nangbah


(Translated from the Pnar poem "Khlawait" composed by Riquoma Rq Laloo)

“Noble Warrior” – a title you cannot claim
Not for me, for you or any other
To decipher into another tongue
Will but minify your true colour.

“Noble Warrior” to him only bestow
An honourable one and sedulous
Within and without - courageous
Distinct - with his aura all about.

In words and deeds truly he is
Kiang Nangbah a worthy “Noble Warrior”
Forthright in all that he can be and is
Resolute and unshakeable in purpose.

Kiang Nangbah the greatest leader,
The obedient and proud son of his mother -
Whose counsel instilled in him fidelity:
“Love your country, my son, as much as you love me”

No trifle this - the honour bestowed
“Noble Warrior” through words and deeds
Chosen not as the Syiem, Daloi or Montri
To serve a duty by vox populi

He too was chosen by all the people
From amongst the warriors and leaders
But he wanted a divine sign
That this, was by God’s design.

No, we haven’t got any
As selfless as he
For claims made by many
Covetous they turned to be.

Another “Noble Warrior” is hard to find
From the past nor the present day
Your fame Kiang Nangbah grows stronger everyday
As we commemorate your 151st death anniversary.


Friday, December 27, 2013

"Hi O" - An Anthology of Jaintia Poems by S. Quotient Sumer.

"Hi O" is an anthology of Pnar Poems by S. Quotient Sumer. It includes poems written by him since 1949 to most recent times and covers diverse topics pertaining to Jaintia Hills - folklore, history, romance, values, satire, drama, comedy and many more. It is a treasure of Pnar literature - precious and priceless! The book is published by YADALADA Books Publishing House, Jowai. It is a book that every Khasi would cherish.

The release function was unique and exemplary in that it had no Chief Guest or Guest of Honour. The Author wanted to treat all the invitees as equals and therefore did away with the usual practice of gracing the occasion with a Chief Guest. He treated all his invitees as Chief Guests and in that spirit it was a punctual function as there was no need to wait for the VIPs (who usually come late for any function) and it was enlivened by traditional music and songs composed by the author himself and sang by worthy voices.

The function was held today the 27th December 2013 at the Community Hall of Panaliar locality of Jowai at 1:10 p.m. Glad that I could make it in time after having to chase it all the way from Ïongkaluh. Wouldn't miss it for the world. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Towards Eternity

Towards Eternity
composed around 1997-98

I travel, all alone
Where to – I cannot say
I search for myself –
When will I see the day?

I cry – all alone
No one hears my cry
I sigh – a weary sigh
How much time have I?

They say – Life’s a journey
How long should I travel?
Where’s my direction?
Will someone tell?

I walk… all alone
Along the avenues of time
Milestones, countless now
I’m tired, my body aches
Yet, my restless soul
Carries my fragile body
Towards Eternity…


Beyond The Storm
Composed during the year 1999

The sun shone, brightly
The sky was so blue;
But my heart was cloudy
Because of you.

You took my heart,
Played with it,
My poor heart!
Reduced to naught,

I loved you true;
Myself to you,
Everything for you;
Betrayal – I never knew.

A scarred heart
A wounded pride
Unquenched thirst
Where do I run?
No place to hide
My heart too heavy
I search for comfort-
But… there’s no one!

Can my heart ever love?
And find true love?
That though it rains,
Our hearts afire
With fulfilled desire
Chase the clouds
Remove the doubts
Together in love
Shine throughout.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


(This is a poem for virtual lovers)

My Dear Sweet Sweet, will you tell me why?
I love you so much, I don't know why.
Nor seen nor touched your precious face,
I'm lost and found in an unknown space.

So much to give, so much to share,
Will I ever know how much you care?
My heart and soul are yours forever.
How can I pledge this to a stranger?

And to the winds, I throw all caution,
I trust in love and my intuition.
If this be false, then all is false.
Let not my faith prove to be false.

Know this my love, I love you true,
I love you, yes, will always do.
And will you pledge your love to me?
Not a demand - you're always free...
Free to love, free to choose your path.
And what am I, in your larger plan?
A joker, an amusement, like in a park?
I just want to be a part of your plan.

So, take me, just  as I am,
I'll give to you all that I have,
Nor riches, nor silver nor gold -
But my self, my being, my whole;
And as naked as I am,
with God's gifts that I have,
I offer to you - self to self -
If you will but choose to have.

So, my sweet sweet, will you tell me why?
I love you so much and I don't know why.
If you feel the same and seek the reason why,
Join me on my tree-top house, among the trees so high.

Together we'll try, to solve the mystery,
Of this crazy love between you and me.
And as my lips gently cover yours,
You'll know that I am - eternally yours.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Folk Tales of Vaar-Jaintia

(A Folk tale of Jong-U-Shen[2] as retold by D. R. Michael Buam)

There was a crow; of course a clever crow, because stupid crows are unheard of in the books that we read (please keep me informed if I have missed a stupid crow somewhere). No, we shouldn’t dare call them stupid, since the story of the ‘clever crow’ got published! There, you see, the significance of a precedent! Of course, the crows are fallible to flattery; but you know that already. That is another precedent.

Well, after agreeing on the IQ of the crow, let us get down to the topic. This crow was allegedly the same crow that was ‘foxed’ by the jackal into singing like a gay ‘jay’ so that it dropped the food from its jaws into the open greedy jaws of the jackal. You must have heard of this rumour too. I heard that it did get published in some textbooks.

Anyway, there were several adventures between the jackal and the crow such that their relationship deteriorated into a ‘mouse’ and ‘cat’ relationship instead of the regular jackal and crow relationship.

In this context, you will understand the following events that I relate as happened to them.

One day, the crow was basking in the sun on the topmost branch of an Oroxylum tree overlooking a small bog filled with the delicious (to humans) species of swamp colocasia plants growing beside a stream. These plants grow wild and gregariously at that, such that they look like a mono-cultivated crop – very misleading. But it is not uncommon to see orderliness in the wild. As opposed to humans, who avoid talking to their hated enemy, the jackal can’t resist talking to the crow. Maybe, animals still love their enemies, like Jesus told humans to do so and animals have copied the advice. I did ask my dog for confirmation and he just barked at me. I am not sure whether he meant “yes” or it meant “give me a bone” because it sounded like “I want a bone”. So, let me give him a bone so that I can continue with what we started.

Well, the jackal couldn’t resist taunting the crow. You must all have known by now, that, pure love or pure hatred calls for absolute attention and obsession. Not knowing all the facts we stated in the previous paragraph (of course, this was written after the event and so there was no way the jackal could have read about it and be forewarned). So, the jackal walks up to the Oroxylum tree and asks the crow, “What are you doing my beloved enemy?” The crow looked down and screamed at the jackal, “Why have you stepped on the King’s crops? Don’t you know that I have been appointed to guard the King’s crops? Step back at once or I will have the soldiers on you!”

The jackal did indeed jump back in astonishment but quickly recovered his composure and enquired, “What crops are you guarding? I don’t see anything worth to a King.”

The crow smiled a fake benevolent smile at the jackal and replied, “Have you never seen a sugarcane plantation in all your cunning life? Be clever for once and recognize the plants that surround you here and now!”

The jackal looked around at the colocasia plants but couldn’t say what they were. Now we must take into account here that the jackal has limited knowledge of botany. The clever crow is aware of this. The jackal is more into zoology with specialization into smaller mammals like rabbits and flightless birds like pheasants. He is of course the master in the subject of domestic poultry of the human habitat and has on several occasions received gun salutes, spear throws, sling shots and arrow shots from the humans for his endeavours to capture and digest the subject of domesticated animals in human habitat. Needless to say, some of his brethren were ultimately absorbed into the digestive system of humans despite their foul smell.

I think I am prey to the habit of digression. But that is my weakness and you will all indulge a person to at least one thing or the other. Let me get back to the events then. Yes, we were talking of the jackal’s knowledge of botany. I must digress again or you will not understand the import of botany or zoology on this important event. You see, this jackal was, to speak in local sense, a hill jackal. In the hills, you won’t see a sugarcane plantation.  Of course, you will occasionally see a sugarcane plant or a cluster of them in a human habitat. But in the plains, especially in the alluvial plains of the then undivided Bengal[3], the sugarcane plantations are a forest in themselves. This jackal of the hills had been told about large sugarcane plantations from his cousins living in the plains because they frequently hunt and hide there. He too did tell them about the areca nut and betel leaf cultivations in the hills where he lived.

In the light of this, the jackal looked once again at the colocasia plants growing beside the stream and seemed to understand what the crow was referring to. He had heard that sugarcane was very sweet to taste and therefore having never seen it in his life, he wanted to taste it. He asked the crow, “Please sister crow, let me get a taste of the sugarcane. I have never got this opportunity before.” The crow deliberately refused at first and only after the jackal had entreated for the umpteenth time did she relent. The jackal took a bite of one stalk of the colocasia consuming the whole plant in his ignorance.

He had visions of sweetness but it never came to him. Maybe the Creator didn’t equip him with taste buds for sweetness. Maybe the carnivore’s taste of sweetness is completely different from an omnivore’s or a herbivore’s. These are simply my allusions and you should not be distracted by them. Another botanical fact which the jackal never knew so far was that, all Colocasia species contained an irritant which can cause intense irritation and discomfort to the lips, mouth and throat when consumed. The main culprit causing the discomfort is the microscopic needle-like raphides of calcium oxalate monohydrate and aided by another small ruffian we suspect to be a protease. If eaten raw or half-cooked, these microscopic needles pierce the tissues of the lips, mouth and throat and cause a severe irritation of the throat that would leave you in a situation similar to a person who is bound hand and foot face-wards to a pillar and having a sudden and severe itch on his bum having no way to scratch the itch.

Well, you can leave your visions of the itching bum and come back to the visions of the jackal. This preceding fact was already known to humans from their earlier experiences or through accident (no satisfying record exists to prove any) and so they found a way to safely consume the edible colocasia leaves and corms by boiling them long enough and adding something tangy to go with it. The crow knew this through her aerial acquaintance with humans. This knowledge did come at a cost because she did survive the missiles of catapults aimed at her. Though she did lose some feathers in the process, her head and life were intact. Now, she used that knowledge to settle a score with her beloved enemy.

I think you can imagine what happened to the jackal a few minutes after eating and swallowing a few mouthfuls of his ‘sugarcane’. You see, if he also had kept his English dictionary close at hand, he would have immediately seen through the crow’s bluff. The colocasia plants did not even resemble a cane. They were just herbaceous and weak plants without anything hard on them (on the outside of course), you would need a microscope to see those microscopic needles. But then, he must have learned his lesson since his last visit to the town. He had bought a “Dressed Chicken” from a store only to discover later, on unpacking the package, that it had been completely undressed. So, we’ll give him the benefit of doubt.

Within a few minutes, the itches began to show and the jackal immediately understood that the crow had gotten the better of him this time. His throat itched and irritated him so much that he couldn’t even exclaim the curses and expletives he so much wanted to hurl shamelessly at the crow, who was currently enjoying the misery of the jackal. You can try imagining the laughter of a crow. It is something like this: “Caw! Caw! Caw!” Yes, yes. You can tell me that the expression is similar but here you will have to add a sneer to it and imagine the famous Bollywood villain of the silver screen, Late Amrish Puri doing it. Yes, that’s it. You are getting it.

The jackal drank the water from the stream and gargled his throat in the hope of easing the discomfort. He howled in anger at the crow but it only enhanced the evil pleasure of the crow. Well, I won’t dwell longer on the jackal’s suffering and call it a day.

It was several days later that the jackal chanced on the crow and asked her by which road she would go to the market the next day. The crow replied that she would take the old road to the market. So the jackal waited in hiding for the crow along the old road the next day hoping to catch her unawares and have his revenge on the crow. He had in fact kept the utensils and firewood ready beside the stream in order to cook the crow alive and savour his revenge. The crow had already suspected him and instead went to the market using the new road.

It happened again the next market day. The crow having told the jackal that she would take the new road to the market had instead taken the old road this time. So, next time, the jackal had smarted and waited in hiding for the crow to come along the new road to the market. She had told him that she would take the old road again. He did not have long to wait and pounced on her as soon as she passed by him while he was hiding behind a broomstick bush by the road.

The fire was burning under the pot of water which the jackal had put on the makeshift fireplace beside the stream. The crow was held captive after he had tied her with a string made of a lilaceous plant. The crow glanced furtively at all directions in the hope of finding a means to escape. She saw a crab in the water and pleaded with it to help her escape.

The jackal was busy with keeping the fire burning, pushing and shoving the logs and blowing air from his lungs to keep the fire steady and stronger. When the water had boiled, he turned his attention to the crow and gloated with glee in front of the crow before taking it from its tethering. “So, you thought I will never catch you, is it? See! I have the last laugh! I will cook you alive and eat you - feathers, entrails and all! This will be my complete revenge on all the insults I suffered from you. No, no use of shouting for help! No one will be able to free you from my clutches! You see, once I have my prey in my grips, no power can stop me!”

The crow did not get any help from heaven but it did get help from a small creature of the water. The crab had surreptitiously walked sideways (as is the custom of crabs – of course it walked crabwise) out of the water and reached the foot of the jackal who was holding the crow in his hands while gloating over her. The crab then bit the jackal hard on his little toe that it nearly snapped into pieces. The sudden pain and shock made the jackal jump with a howl and spread his hands apart letting the crow free. The crow flew away and perched herself beyond reach on a tree.

(The original version of the story as told to me was that the crab, using its larger claw, had actually pinched the jackal by the balls that it hurt beyond description. Any male will understand what this attack means – in terms of pain, while the rest will enjoy the comic effect of the action. I stated that the crab clawed him on the toe only to appear more respectable. But I have already given myself away. Guilty as charged.)

So, the jackal after recovering from the initial shock and pain searched for his attacker and sadly for the crab who was not quick enough to rush back to his hideout was pounced upon by the jackal.

The jackal, as was his habit (or his weakness) was prone to give a speech before his actions. So he said to the crab, “So you want to join the list of my enemies, do you? Well, I will show you how I treat my enemies once I have them in my grip. You deprived me of my revenge and my meal! I will get that crow one way or the other. However, for the time being, you will satisfy my hunger for food and revenge.” With that he put the crab into the boiling pot of water.

The crow had watched all this from a safe distance. But as soon as the jackal put the crab into the pot of boiling water, she flew down and thought hard how to save her rescuer. She picked a heavy rock from the ground and carried it high over the point where the pot was placed. She then dropped it on the pot and it overturned pouring the boiling water and the crab into the stream. The crab was not yet dead but almost so. Its shell was already turning bright red from being cooked (Prawns and crabs turn bright red in colour when they are cooked). As soon as it touched the cold water of the stream, it made a supreme effort and rushed to the nearest hiding placed in a crevice beneath a huge rock in the stream. The jackal rushed in vain to catch it. The crow and the crab had the last laugh on him.

The crow went off to live in another forest having had enough of the jackal. The jackal returned every day to hunt for the crab in the stream but it was in vain. The crab gave up its water abode and settled on the hill beside the stream. The jackal didn’t know this and without the crow in sight he had no enemy to wage war on and so continued to overturn the rocks and push pointed sticks through the crevices under the large rocks in the stream hoping to catch his new-found beloved enemy.

We are more familiar with the freshwater crab that now and then finds its way into our diet. It is also a spoilsport during our fishing of the freshwater snakehead fishes (Hee-shlaa). So, with this legend, our ancestors have tried to explain the existence of the local land crab, which is an uncommon species even in those times. They still survive today because they are not usually part of our diet. There are many species of land crabs around the world. In the Khasi Hills, we come across a smaller species which is just 2 to 3 centimetres across. But the hero of our story is about 8 to 10 centimetres long or maybe more (I am yet to find a larger species) and it is bright red in colour, unlike the freshwater crab we find here, which is dark brown in colour. But when this freshwater crab is cooked, boiled or fried, it turns red in colour which gives rise to the notion that the local red crab was the one that escaped the boiling pot of the jackal.

It was this brave crab that we come across on the jungle path in the southern slope of Jaintia hills. It is truly a brave creature because whenever you come across it, it stands its ground and bares its claws at you. I do not talk crab but the attitude it shows reflects that it doesn’t take crap either. It ignores the fact that you can kill it by just stepping on it. But I guess, it does not matter to a faithful warrior who stands for righteousness. You can dominate the body but not the spirit. Yes, dear friend, keep baring those claws and bite the villains’s foot (or balls, if present). I will cheer you on that. Live long my fellow-living being, I will not eat you, yet…


Copyleft 2013, D. R. Michael Buam.

The texts in this article are copyleft. The author permits others to copy, distribute, display, quote, and create derivative works based upon them in print and digital format for any non-commercial, non-profit purposes, on the conditions that the original title and author is credited and cited as a source, and the work is reproduced in the spirit of the original. The author would like to be informed of any copies produced.

Reproduction of the texts for commercial purposes is prohibited without express permission from the author. All works produced for both commercial and non-commercial purposes must give similar rights and reproduce the copyleft clause within the publication/work.

[1] The Red Crab is a name I conjured for the land crab in the story because of its bright red colour as opposed to the dull colour of the freshwater crab.
[2] Jong-u-Shen or Cjongmuchen as it is locally known, is a village in the south-western slope of Jaintia Hills overlooking the plains of Bangladesh. It is a kilometers to the west of Syndai, a village famous worldwide for its caves and historical significance. The inhabitants of the southern slopes of Khasi and Jaintia Hills are referred to as the Vaar. Thus, we have the Vaar-Khasi in Khasi Hills and the Vaar-Jaintia in Jaintia Hills.
[3] Bengal was divided like a piece of cake in 1947 between India and Pakistan of which the latter got a smaller piece called East Pakistan to be later called Bangladesh after the liberation war in 1971-72.

Sunday, March 3, 2013



No, do not raise your voice,
I'm not in the midst of a din;
No, do not scream at me,
My ears have already been taken in -
By the storms that fill my mind,
And the clouds that rise within.

No, do not call me names anymore,
I already have few and more;
No, do use threats against me,
It only wakes the beast in me -
That fights to death, until the last breath,
A fighter am I, and dangerous at that.

Yes, love me, will you?
With all that is in you?
Know that I have only you,
My beloved forever true.

Yes, trust me, will you,
With all that is in you.
It is the balm of my heart -
Healing all pain and hurt.

Composed on 28-02-2013 at Lumpariat, Jwai, Meghalaya.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spineless Leadership

This is what i said in commenting to H. H..Mohrmen's post in the year 2011: "Khasi Pnar: A community in transition." (

I say it again today. 

The Khasi Pnar is a victim of 'spineless leadership'. All our true leaders have become extinct. Somebody once said something like this, (i don't remember the exact quote nor who said this because this was said long back): "A community loses its identity or becomes extinct mainly for three reasons: 1. absence of true leaders. 2. indulging in immorality and 3. indulging in alcoholism. And i very much agree with that wise guy.

Look at our representatives. Are they true leaders? Not just the MLA, MDC or MP but right at the root of our once respected 'Dorbar Shnong' (Village Durbar) which formed the basis of our Democratic Administrative System upto the level of the Syiems and Dalois. I leave it up to the public to answer. And if the general answer is 'Yes', what the heck! we are a democracy, after all. And a Democracy is a system in which if there are 51 fools and 49 wise men, the wise men have to listen to the fools. this is simply just great! we should call it a democrazy instead (a demonstration of fools' power not peoples' power!)

The Khasi Pnar not only has spineless leaders but spineless citizens who are the 'ksan rympei rem dorbar' type. who are afraid of voicing their opinions in public and choose to suffer in silence. So, with leaders who don't lead and citizens who don't speak up, where is the future of the community?

Indulging in immorality is a secret pastime of many. this is a forbidden fruit many are eating in their own (or others') private gardens. I don't know to what the 'tip hok-tip sot' (know right & wrong), 'tip kur-tip kha' (know your relations) values has depreciated into. Even the 'Kamai ia ka hok' (earn righteousness) coin is replaced by the 'kamai ia ka spah' (earn wealth) coin. So, with corruption readily accepted (and our state vying for the position of most corrupt State in India) where then is the the future headed?

Alcohol is not a curse. It is a boon to the responsible, honest and hard-working man (this was due to the nature of our livelihood- being basically an agrarian society). It relieves his bodily aches and gives him a good sleep (only if he is a responsible, honest and hard-working man - a premise that supposes not every responsible man consumes alcohol and that irresponsible people do stupid things they regret later). Dharmendra (don't correct me if i'm wrong about the bollywood actor. i'm more concerned about the message) uses this dialogue in one of his films where he says, "Sharab mein nasshha hoti, to bottle nahin nachti?" (if intoxication was in the alcohol, the containing bottle would have danced). Responsible drinking, sad to say, is a dying tradition. Irresponsible drinking is affecting our youth, our leaders, our communal harmony and the very fabric of our society itself.

So, while the law of nature dictates that we evolve, we choose to be in transition. these are two separate phenomena. let us evolve rather than transit. evolution brings out the best in us and promises a healthy, stronger and viable progeny while a transitional route is a fools experiment! So, cast your vote for the following slogans: (1) Damn the fools! (2) Long live the Fools!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


By D. R. Michael Buam
(Article published in the Souvenir by Jaintia Ïasiat Khnam Kiang Nangbah Memorial Society, Jwai on the 30th December 2012 commemorating the 150th Death Anniversary of U Woh Kiang Nangbah)


As we commemorate the 150th death anniversary of our very own Freedom Fighter and Martyr, U Woh Kiang Nangbah, I am still filled with a sense of awe and admiration for this great Leader and Patriot. He was unique, for so many reasons and more so for the mystique that his name inspires. This may partly be due to the very little information we have about him and his life; though, his name has been immortalised through institutions, roads and buildings named after him.

This article does not seek to state any new facts or give fresh information about our greatest leader but rather portray my own personal insight into his character from what little we already know of him from published works and oral tradition. To be honest, I must state here that the little knowledge I could gather about U Woh Kiang Nangbah has come mainly from the essays and drama of Wh. S. Quotient Sumer and the published works of Dr. S. Lamare; although I did read a little (what was given) about this great freedom fighter in my text books earlier. I have tried to highlight here, those qualities of our beloved Hero and Martyr, U Woh Kiang Nangbah, which according to me are universally relevant for all generations – past, present and future. They are also, what I believe, the most worth emulating.

Endearing and Enduring qualities of U Woh Kiang Nangbah

A Nature Lover

Ever since his childhood, Kiang Nangbah was fascinated and intrigued by nature’s wonderful creatures - both plant and animal. He would ask questions about occurrences in the plant and animal kingdom and the natural environment from his mother and elders and would listen with rapt attention to their explanations. His curiosity knew no limits. He was genuinely interested in the works and wonders of nature and was a keen observer of natural processes.

A Devoted Son

Being an only child, Kiang Nangbah was the centre of his mother’s life as was his mother to him. He was always concerned for his mother and would always look out for her. He would not let her venture out onto their cultivated lands alone and would always accompany her. He was also deeply respectful and obedient to her.

A custodian of religion, tradition and culture

One of the reasons U Woh Kiang Nangbah opposed the Colonial occupiers was their interference in the religious practices of the indigenous tribes. He rightly felt that they had no right to prevent them from performing their religious obligations as has been practised so far. He therefore chose to revolt against the British occupiers.

Kiang Nangbah also never felt inferior or disillusioned with his own culture and tradition. The effects of westernization had no impact on him. It has been said that Kiang Nangbah struck an elderly man for no other reason than that the man had scoffed at him for wearing his traditional dress. When summoned before the Dorbar, Woh Kiang Nangbah defended himself so well that the Dorbar had to declare him not guilty of the charge and was praised instead for his patriotism. They were deeply moved when he stated that it was better for him to die than be deprived of his personal freedom.

A Courageous and upright citizen

The immediate cause of the Jaintia rebellion has been attributed to the taxes imposed by the Colonial occupiers who had scant regard for the religion, customs and traditions of the Jaintias and their way of life. While many gave in to the might of the Colonial rulers, Kiang Nangbah considered it an outrage to be taxed by foreigners. His solid argument was that, an alien cannot demand tax from an indigenous settler. It is the foreigner who ought to pay tax to the local rulers and not vice versa.

A fearless and faithful soldier

U Woh Kiang Nangbah was executed within a few hours on the day of his conviction. He was ready for this eventuality as he knew that he would be executed if he was captured. He therefore faced death fearlessly and unflinchingly. He did not succumb to the tactics of the British occupiers, who promised to spare the lives of those captured freedom fighters if they turned informers and supply information leading to the capture of their comrades. He remained strong in his resolve and accepted death with welcome.

A Law-abiding citizen

Ever since his childhood, U Woh Kiang Nangbah mostly kept to himself and minded his own business. So we can say that he was not a popular person by today’s standards. Yet he was chosen to lead the Jaintias’ fight for independence. He did not choose nor wish to be a leader but he respected the collective wisdom and decision of the Great Jaintia Durbar, the “Dorbar Khad-ar Dolloi”. Therefore, he accepted their proposal to lead the fight against the Colonial occupiers.

A God-fearing Person

Having accepted the decision of the “Dorbar Khad-ar Dolloi” to lead the fight for independence, he wanted his whole being – physical and spiritual to be convinced of this great calling. Being a God-fearing man, he did not want to offend the Creator by taking a rash decision. He wanted a sign from God to assure him that he had chosen the right thing by taking up the leader’s role and responsibilities. So, he declared before the Dorbar that he will finally accept their decision for him to lead the freedom struggle only if he receives a sign to indicate that it is by Divine Will for him to do so.

He told the leaders and the elders of Jaintia Kingdom gathered in the “Dorbar Khad-ar Dolloi” that he would dive into the pool of the Myntdu River at ‘Syntu Ksiar’ and if he could bring back three branches of an aquatic plant bearing three living leaves each, then he would consider it a sign from God, that it is by Divine Will that he has been chosen to lead the fight for freedom from Colonial rule. And that is exactly what happened when he dived at the pool of Myntdu River at Syntu Ksiar.

A Prophet

Many will remember the last words of U Woh Kiang Nangbah because they were the words spoken by a prophet. He was executed by being hung by the neck with a rope from a tree at Iawmusiang, the local market place of Jwai, in full public view on the 30th December 1862.

As he was hanging from the noose, he shouted these words to the crowd that gathered around him, that if on his last breath his head turned towards the east, the Jaintia Kingdom shall regain its independence within a span of a hundred years; but if it turned towards the west, then the Jaintia Kingdom is doomed to be ruled over by foreigners forever.

These words of U Woh Kiang Nangbah separate him from all other freedom fighters of India. It makes him unique because he was not just a true patriot and a great leader but also a prophet. And it was indeed fortunate that his head turned eastwards as he drew his last breath hanging from a tree on a noose by the neck. 85 years later, India attained its independence from British occupation. It happened exactly as he had predicted.

A Man of Conviction

He was also a man of conviction.  When the British occupiers sent peace messengers to the rebels, he had wisely stated that if the British occupiers wanted peace, they should leave our land and peace will automatically prevail in the kingdom.

A Music lover

Music was a passion for U Woh Kiang Nangbah. He was very fond of songs and music. His favourite instrument was the flute. He taught himself to play the instrument and it became his favourite pastime. It was said that he was an excellent flautist. He would carry his flute around his person at work or during his exploratory walks along the streams, hills and valleys. He preferred to relax himself by playing on his flute. They say that the hills and the valleys resonated to the beautiful tones of his flute.

A Health-conscious Individual

It has been said that he was fond of sports too, particularly athletics. He would run long distances all alone just because he liked the exercise or maybe because he realised early that it kept him fit. He always wore clean clothes and would bath regularly. The incident where he struck an elder happened while he was relaxing by playing his flute after he had had his bath and had put on a fresh clean dhoti.

A True and Wise Leader

The might of the British Empire was not fully understood by our people during those early years of the freedom struggle because of their ignorance of the affairs of the world at large. Their bows and arrows, swords and spears were no match for the British muskets and artillery. They had to resort to guerrilla tactics to fight the British army and police. U Kiang Nangbah, having been chosen to lead the resistance, travelled all over the Jaintia kingdom and even into neighbouring Khasi states to encourage and support the freedom fighters. He won the respect and admiration of his followers by being a selfless leader.


These, I believe, are not all of his qualities; for, as future researchers and historians unravel the mystery that surrounds him, we will gain more insights into the mystique that is “U Woh Kiang Nangbah”.

There is much to learn from this greatest Leader of our land and people. He was a solitary man but was chosen to lead the masses. He was a peace loving man but was forced to fight the “Little War” as the British called it then. And he chose to fight, because he believed in freedom - freedom of the self, freedom of the society and freedom of the country. He fought because he preferred death over oppressive rule. He was captured through betrayal from his own people but he chose not to trade his life for betrayal.

A hundred and fifty years have gone by since his last breath. He had given so much to the people of his time then, and even today, he still remains a symbol of hope, courage, integrity, devotion, conviction and self-sacrifice. Yes, he is the best role model for all generations. May his spirit forever inspire our people and people of all nations across the world.

(The author is an independent researcher, writer and filmmaker. He is the Founder Director of TechLife, and a Partner-Director at Picturewave Production, Jwai. You can send laurels and brickbats to him at

2012, D. R. Michael Buam.

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